If you asked me a few years ago to pray for a stranger I had just met in public, you’d probably witness my face turn white, my palms start to sweat, and my legs tremble. The thought of sharing Jesus to a stranger, especially in public, sent me into instant panic and anxiety. In all honesty, I assumed I would be setting myself up for instant rejection and possible humiliation. To me, being rejected didn’t seem like a worthy trade for my personal time and intentional effort.
However, I had no problem inviting friends and family to church. I figured if those I loved would attend church with me, someone else would be able to share the Gospel with them. The problem was, no one was willing to go to church with us or at all. I was left feeling hopeless and desperate, and I knew something needed to change within me if I were going to share Jesus boldly with others.
I remember feeling so overwhelmed, because I knew as a Christian I was called to be a laborer in a harvest that seemed to be overflowing. I could not find peace in the midst of my doubt and confusion until the Holy Spirit spoke so lovingly into my heart. While I was watching an episode of “Last Man Standing” that featured some of the Duck Dynasty TV stars, one of the men talked openly about Jesus and how His grace enabled him to do the things God called him to do. After witnessing this boldness of faith, I could feel my soul become uncomfortable as I tried to understand how someone could be so courageous in sharing his faith on television. I thought to myself:
“What do the Duck Dynasty men have to lose? They are rich and famous and will still be rich and famous regardless if others reject and oppose their beliefs. Sharing Jesus is not really risky when you already have everything else.”
The Holy Spirit met me in my thoughts that day and responded immediately by asking me the same questions.
“What do you have to lose? The Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you.”
In that moment I felt my faith grow bigger than my fears as I reflected on the truth that my name is written in the Book of Life, and nothing and no one could reject me enough to change my eternal destiny. What a beautiful reminder of my riches in Jesus.
From that time on, I started to seek out ways I could grow in wisdom and courage as I pursued the desire to share the love of Jesus with each opportunity the Lord provided me. After making a mental list of things I thought I needed to do in order to share the Gospel with others, the Holy Spirit met me in my thoughts again.
“You don’t need to do; you need to be. When I become everything to you, what you do for others will come naturally from who you are in Me.”
I realized I had allowed my fear of man’s approval, rather rejection, keep me from partnering with God to bring glory to Him in all things. I figured if I could make a list of things to do to share the Gospel (i.e. perfecting my opening statement, practicing my approach, presenting my faith, and positioning myself in the right conversations), then my fears would not keep me from being ineffective for the Kingdom of God. However, the problem was in my heart instead of my mind. I didn’t want to just “look” like Jesus, I wanted to be like Jesus, and in order for me to be like Jesus, I had to become like Him in my heart.
Before we can be transformed with a heart that reflects the character and love of Jesus, we have to first recognize the areas in our hearts that oppose Him. Do we seek man’s approval? Do we hold onto unforgiveness or bitterness? Do we find ourselves enslaved to sinful desires and temptations? Are we polluting our souls by polluting our eyes with the things we lust after? Do we desire to elevate ourselves above others in order to be served rather than to serve?
It is so much easier to ignore our heart’s condition, because we as Christians have mastered the art of simply “looking” like Jesus. The more we look like Jesus, the less other Christians meddle in our personal lives. We are satisfied with our deceptive appearances, because we are able to keep our former ways of living without the accountability to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. My friends, we cannot lurk in this dangerous territory lest we become luke-warm and ineffective for the Kingdom.
For those who have found themselves in the anxiety struggle I was a few years ago about sharing the love of Christ with others, I encourage you to reflect on the life-transforming truths found in the Living Word of God. When we are intentional in allowing God to change our hearts to become like Jesus, sharing the Gospel of Christ becomes a lifestyle. When our lifestyle hosts the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, rejection is no longer the outcome that outweighs the reward; rather, it becomes the fuel in the refining Fire of God to transform every aspect of our lives.
After all, what do we have to lose?The Kingdom of Heaven has been given to us.