
Friends, co-workers, relatives, strangers, and acquaintances. Whether we acknowledge them all or not, each encounter and relationship affects our lives- and sometimes it does more harm than good.


Ever feel the fiery judgement of other moms as you frantically try to drag (I mean, calm) your hysterical child through the bookstore? You’re not alone. Been there. Done that. Twice.


Do sweaty palms, shortness of breath, racing heart, and pounding headaches sound familiar? This journey to freedom has been one of my favorites.

Spiritual Warfare

Speaking of panic. Ever feel like you’re being watched… closely? Ever wonder if someone is after your complete destruction? Well, there is someone.. and he is relentless. But good news for us- we have the weapons to fight back… and win.


’till death do us part… reality? or myth? Is marriage really worth fighting for? Marriage can be all fun and games, until someone messes up.


Where does doubt even come from? Past experiences? Inward turmoil? Personal traumas? Societal comparisons? Repeated failures? Wherever it comes from, one thing is for sure- our identity in Jesus triumphs over it all.

Prayer Life

Hearing the voice of God through prayer is a gift available to every believer in Christ. This journey is by far my favorite. These testimonies are straight from my personal prayer life. Right off the pages of my incredibly treasured prayer journals.

"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

If you’ve been doing life alone, I invite you to join our community and connect with others who are going through similar seasons of life. If nothing else, be encouraged and prayed for as you continue this journey here towards freedom!