How would you like to be called the “cheater”, the “underminer”, or the “deceiver”? For Jacob, this was his every day identity. In Genesis 25, we read about two babies, twins, born from Rebekah, Isaac’s wife. Esau, the firstborn emerged with his brother, Jacob, grasping his heel in a moment that would define Jacob’s life forever.

Jacob, the supplanter, would be identified as the child who was a cheater, underminer, and a deceiver.

Imagine having an identity assigned to you from birth. Imagine the pressure to live up to everyone’s expectations of you. For Jacob, we see his childhood colored with acts of deception and manipulation. He was indeed his name.

When I first began to study the life of Jacob, prior to him wrestling with God, one thing stood out powerfully and profoundly. Could it be that Jacob’s name was more than just a name?

The Bible says in Proverbs 18, ” The tongue has the power of life and death” (v. 21) and again in James 3, “Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing” (v. 10). Could it be, by naming the baby Jacob, Rebekah was enabling others to speak death and curse over Jacob’s life?

As we see, Jacob lived up to his name when he manipulated his older brother for his birthright (Genesis 25:31), and deceived his father, Isaac, to receive the firstborn inheritance (Genesis 27:19). Jacob had been called a deceiver from birth, is it any surprise his life followed suit?

It wasn’t until Jacob encountered the presence of God and received a new name that his life began to change (Genesis 35).

There is something in a name.

I used to look up the meaning of my name often, but never understood the power behind my name. To my parents, I was merely named after a babysitter; however, at the core, my name is originated from Jacob. In other words, I, too, have been called a deceiver from birth.

What if our names speak destiny or destruction over us each time they are spoken? What if every teacher who called on me in class was unintentionally releasing the power of destruction over my life? What if every coach, friend, relative, and acquaintance released that same power?  What if the reason why I was naturally drawn to deception and manipulation was because I had people speaking those traits over me from birth? What if each time I introduced myself, I was calling forth my identity as an underminer?

Words are powerful. Words spoke the universe into existence. Words have the power of life and death.

 Even though I did not have any control over what I was named as a child, I have control over who I want to determine my identity. Do you know God has already given us a new name and a new identity in Him? Revelation 2:17 brings me great excitement, ” I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.”

A new name.

A name that speaks life, freedom, abundance, and blessing.

For those of us who have been called or named names contradictory to the goodness of God and the abundance He has for us, we can have hope that our name, our very cursed name, has been redeemed in Christ for the “old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Cor. 5:17).

Even if you have lived up to your name, you, too, can be set free from the identity you received from birth. When you call upon the Name of Jesus, you will be saved, delivered, and set free. Your new name on earth will be found in the Name of Jesus until you receive your eternal name in Heaven.

And if you’re like me, you will no longer allow your name to determine the course of your life. Instead, you’ll be rejoicing with me that our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!
Merry Christmas!!