Generic Destiny

Several months ago, I started a habit of keeping at least five “Compassion Bags” in my car for the homeless/beggars along the sides of the roads. Inside my Compassion Bags are anti-bacterial wipes, one-time use toothbrushes, deodorant, hand sanitizer, a couple snacks, and an invitation to church. I understand I am not the first, or

The COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 – Physically Dangerous or Spiritually Binding? I am interrupting the flow of my blog topics to address something that needs to be addressed from the perspective of our King Jesus… the Coronavirus. I decided to take a trip to Walgreens last night on my way home. All I wanted to buy was a couple

Sow Life

 “If we put X amount of money in our Roth IRA each month, do you know how much money we’d make by the time we retire?!” I nodded, exchanging the excitement with my investing-loving friends. “We’ve also thought about investing money into rental properties and eventually land. There are so many ways to invest your