Have you ever tried leading someone to salvation, and your words falling flatter than a dried-up, twice run over pancake crumbling in the blazing hot sun?
I asked this question to my Sunday School Group this year and I was surprised at the responses. Not a single person had been successful in sharing the Gospel… and what was more alarming was the majority of my class didn’t even know how to even share it effectively!
Our identity in Jesus goes way beyond what we are taught in church and it’s important we understand our own identity before trying to convince someone else an identity in Christ is worth living for!
Another roadblock is being taught in church that salvation comes by saying a few words like “Jesus is Lord”, or talking through the ABC method (Admit you’re a sinner, Believe He is died and rose again, and Confess Christ as your Lord). But words alone don’t get people saved. Grace through faith and faith displayed through repentance.
Acts 11:18 declares, “God has also granted the Gentiles repentance that leads to life!” Hallelujah! Romans 2:4 says, “Do you not know that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?”
Y’all. Without confessing sins and repenting — turning away from sin — then you’re claiming and sharing a partial version of salvation that will keep you and others bound in chains to the overpowering lusts of the flesh.
Repentance is a MAJOR part of salvation and newness of life in Christ. There’s a reason Jesus says our old lives were buried with Him.
It’s not so we can continue living as if we are still slaves to sin. Sin is dead to us.
Nothing sends me cringing like nails on a chalkboard more than to see my brothers and sisters claim Jesus as Lord, yet shrugging their shoulders like their sins and lusts are just a part of their life.
Maybe they used to be. But they aren’t anymore.
Jesus died to give you new life. And He gives you the strength you need to live as slaves to righteousness instead of slaves to sin.
If sin doesn’t make you cringe, have you really been changed by the grace of Christ?
There is a much better life hidden with Christ in God— and Jesus wants YOU to have it.
But are you willing to fight your flesh for it? Because that’s what it’s going to take.
And that’s a decision only you can make.