I told you I’d put together a little “How-to” guide to help you get started on your journey of living the supernatural life God created you to live, and I am keeping my word!

Let’s get down to it.

First, get your journal out, date it, and answer these questions honestly.

1. Do you WANT to live the fullness of life Jesus purchased for you on the Cross?

2. Are you willing to let go of systematic religion in order to be transformed into the likeness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit?

3. Are you willing to repent from every wrongful pattern of thinking that could hold you back indefinitely?

4. Do you believe you were created to live as Children of God on earth as it is in Heaven (the supernatural realm)?

Next, let’s get to work!

1. Repent from having any unbelief.

Mark 9:24 talks about a father holding his demon possessed boy while standing in a massive crowd following Jesus. The father (with doubt) approaches Jesus, more than likely feeling completely awkward and confused, and says, “If You can, please heal my son.” Jesus probably raises one eyebrow and says, “If I can? All things are possible for one who believes.” The father, more than likely wetting his pants (haha, just kidding. Sorry.) responds, “I believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!” And there you have it. You don’t have to come to Jesus all put together. You do, however, need to overcome your unbelief by confessing and repenting. Jesus can and will take care of the rest!

2. Ask Jesus to reveal to you all wrongful thinking patterns you have held onto, especially those that have become “your truths” (even if they aren’t His truths) and repent from them.

Romans 12:2 talks about being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Your mind is powerful, and you can either control it by submitting your thoughts to God and His Word, or it can control you with patterns of this world. If you want to walk in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, you need a total mind-makeover.

3. Declare OFTEN and out loud your identity in Jesus. Do it now. I am a Child of God created to live in supernatural communion with His Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:16 reveals the Holy Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit (as in, testifies in our favor) that we are God’s children. How incredible is that?! When we declare who Christ says we are, the Holy Spirit CONFIRMS it before God’s Throne and God acknowledges our sonship in His Kingdom. Hallelujah!

4. Ask Jesus in faith for the Holy Spirit to rest on you so you may receive power and authority to partner with Jesus in the works He is already doing!

Acts 1:8 and Mark 16:17 are the very words of Jesus Himself telling His disciples (and us) of the power that comes with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Power to cast out demons, speak in new tongues, heal the sick, raise the dead, pick up serpents, and be a witness for His Kingdom to a lost world. It’s literally written out in Scripture. THIS is the life Jesus died for you to have. How bad do you want it?

5. Lastly, read your Bible. ALL of it. Even the parts you don’t understand, yet.

2 Timothy 3:16 is clear as day — ALL Scripture is breathed out by God and is beneficial for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. I’ve said it a million times. If you don’t know the Word for which you are professing your faith, what makes you think you’ll be effective for the Kingdom of God?

My friends, my heart is full. If you’ve stuck with me this far, it’s because you long for more of Jesus and I pray more of Jesus is exactly what you receive. You were made for more and I will never stop believing in YOUR God-given purpose.

Be blessed today, and may the Holy Spirit rest upon you!