Generic Destiny

Several months ago, I started a habit of keeping at least five “Compassion Bags” in my car for the homeless/beggars along the sides of the roads. Inside my Compassion Bags are anti-bacterial wipes, one-time use toothbrushes, deodorant, hand sanitizer, a couple snacks, and an invitation to church. I understand I am not the first, or

The COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 – Physically Dangerous or Spiritually Binding? I am interrupting the flow of my blog topics to address something that needs to be addressed from the perspective of our King Jesus… the Coronavirus. I decided to take a trip to Walgreens last night on my way home. All I wanted to buy was a couple

Sow Life

 “If we put X amount of money in our Roth IRA each month, do you know how much money we’d make by the time we retire?!” I nodded, exchanging the excitement with my investing-loving friends. “We’ve also thought about investing money into rental properties and eventually land. There are so many ways to invest your

We Don’t Have What it Takes

More than likely you have heard it said, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” Or maybe, “You can be anybody you want to be.” It’s also quite possible you’ve heard hundreds of popular motivational speakers who bandwagon the successful “Self-Empowerment” messages. I have heard them, and they have left me wondering about